Thursday, August 16, 2012

Thank You Mr Lubis

Today was an extraordinary day. God has given me an incredible experience of life today. I thought i was pretty lucky than before because the experience was very surprised and it seems not everyone got the same story like i did on today.

Three weeks ago i actually was planning to hang out with my friends to Dufan (they are my friends at Dormitory),we've been planning to spend our schoolday off together but the plan was canceled because i had no more money right now and didn't want to talk or remind it to my friends. honestly I had enough money to make this fun with my friends but i think alot about days after it. thats why i prefer pretending like i forgot our date and being busy for a while hahaha.. I'm so wise right?. okay, i'm in dormitory lonely during the schoolday off, do my deadlines, preparation, reports and rework my final task. That's my final decision.

And this day, my money was still 75 thousand, haha i can not imagine how can i survive for two weeks with it living on this planet, oh God Helppppp!!! , you might be think why dont i make a phonecall to my parent and said "send me money mommm!!. i can do that guys but not right time. Hei friends, you know what, here is amazing story i wanna tell you.

in this afternoon, my patner asistant texted me, He said "Dora, we'll see ya later. there are things given by Pak Juara." (i just closed my eyes and i said what is this!!). i was surprised by Tunggul's message because Pak Juara never did it like this, did not give us gifts even we met him in the meeting. we just talked , shared and etc. So This is so weird!!

This is it!! This is the help and This is the surprise.

in the evening, my friend texted me again. He said "Dont forget it, see you tonight at 7.PM yaaa.."

SHOW TIME - at 7. PM: "hey Dor, last afternoon i met Pak Juara ( as he opened his wallet). He gave us this giftes ( he handed over 200 thousand)". i just said " Waaaa, are you sure? (haha this is so weird question and i just laughing laughing laughing laughing). This things really slap me on my face. incredible amazing.!
Thank you dear Father God and lecture Mr Juara Lubis, you are like my hero in this condistion. i thought there's no bad condition for us. just be patient waiting for help. Thank God!

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