Wednesday, April 8, 2015


Hi guys, How you doin? since my lasted post i never wrote you much more i did. Right now i just suddenly remember all of you, little note of me to post my life on internet. 

I always told you on my tweeting about "how can my fulfill my bored time?" I answered "watching movie on youtube". Btw this is one of my best advise to you guys if you didn't know what you have to do and wanna do what i do you can watching it by youtube just typing what movie you want to go, hope you luck as me. Look at this pic i tell you about, this is so easy than you downloaded it by yourself.
After watched five movies today i fulfiled my daily activity to write my blog. Honestly i didn't have plans what about i'm writing, no idea accross my mind, I just keep typing till a got something to tell. AND YUP!! Here it is! April Wish.

Do you like April? I dont even know do i like April or not? but i do hope this April really belong to me. I would like this April really help me out when i need because i remember i surrended by angels.

I want you to do what i do now guys, i want you to write what you want to on this month. I wish i could and i believe i could!. I want they being real in my life because i'm not just a dreamer. 
I want to work outside this country. This dream was my wish since i was studied at IPB. Lately seems like God give me alot ways. And i wish this way is the best, ever!. 

The sentences that i wrote with bold words is my wish. I hope you guys pray for me so i can catch my dream and surely i share to you all the process i throught. Thanks for red this post guys, i hope you enjoy it. Dont forget to follow my blog and being my internet friend. See ya.. God bless you