Monday, February 16, 2015

The Way How can I Learnt English Quickly

Today i’m gonna show you how can i learnt and spoke english quickly. It wasn’t hard like you thought. A lot of my friends always said that i can did that because took a courses, private english, private conversation or bla..bla..., but in fact I NEVER DID THAT AT ALL!!!.

I learnt and practiced it just by my Self!!......You will say “Really?? Come’on Dor, that’s impossible. How supposed can you do that?!!”. And i’m gonna say “Seriously guys, even a hundred and thousand serious i say, I DID!!. Hahaha..”

Dont worry guys, i’m gonna help you out from this damn problems. The way is so simple, so easy, so cheap and so fun. You have to need a discipline time and commitment. We all knows that so many people want it fast and instantly understood it but that feeling left just several days, weeks even months on their mind, and then they will got boring and throw out the dictionaries, books and knowledges surely. You can minimize this risks, I suggest you to take a few minutes to think about how serious could you doing before you begin the lessons. This moment is so important guys because you will respect your efforts even if you stop your own way suddenly. No regrets! And Happy ever after, hahaha...

Could you believe i just took 3 months for this fluently grammar, tenses and conversation?. Before i start to tell you what things you need to get this favorable famous languange in the world, i’m going to tell how can i learnt it!, check it out guys..

I had a curious and attract to english while i was at junior high school. I remember my first lesson
started at 3rd class. Every single time while i see someone speaking in english, that sound so beautiful on my ear. First teacher has been teaching us was a new teacher man on my school. I was so passionate about english, i moved my chair from the back to the forward in our class and felt excited when i could spoke one word, Hahaha. From that moment i was getting curious about english in day per days and year per years. This feeling made me wanna be american girl while i saw a movie which i had watching every single time and i always pretended like i was at New York for shopping and spoke some sentences , hahaha... my fantasy is so embarassing.. right?

I got illusions how could my fantasy will come true. So here they are people:

1. Comittment
This thing is absolutely right!. Like i’ve told you on previous introduction part, this thing must be the biggest percentage on one hundred percen. You would never stop even if you find a hard difficulties on your way. There’s no problem with you but only solution with you, okay?

2. Books

My friends always said they are Holy Books. Haha.. this things which you have to keep are:
  • A giant bilingual dictionary : Indonesian – English
  • A small note : so that you can take and bring it wherever you go to, with and you can open this small note once you have a relaxing time
  • A pen or pencil : no matter what kind you use
  • A conversation book : Indonesian – english languange
  • A small Oxford dictionary : Just available in English, its size is really small and you can keep and save it in your pocket.
3. Time

I want you to separate out one or two hours from your twenty four hours per day just to take and study the lessons.
4. Focusing

while you started the lessons it’s time for you to pray first and focus on the things which put above your table.
Where is the way Dor??... here they are :

1) Don’t ever open bilingual dictionary first before you read a conversation book.

2) Read one chapter/day or more than one chapter and after you red it, you can find out words you didn’t know, write it on the note and finally you can open bilingual dictionary to look for a meaning of the words that you unknown. And then open oxford dictionary to know what exactly the meaning and pronounsation is fully in english. This part is so incredible important because one word had a differences of types of english for each countries. We will knows what exactly right at American and English version.

3) After you wrote an unkown word and its meaning on the note, take times for five or ten minutes to memorize the words which you had wrote. You should memorize the words, the meanings in indonesian, and the pronounsation.

To make easier, i give you an example, that is : book.
  • Book is buku, and you say book is buukk. So you write it on your small note like:
  • Book = buku = buukkkk
4) Do this steps over and over again per days disiplinely. I assure you will be clever as long as you commit on your way. I make sure you won’t get boring because there’s a satisfied feeling while you realized that you have walked alot steps behind your stupid , haha

5) After you have done finished that conversation book, you continue this lessons to open the middle of bilingual dictionary on colourful parts. On that middle you will find out some lessons about tenses, read that slowly and undestand it carefully till you knows what exactly is that mean. The colourful parts will help understand tenses.

Steps of number one till number five are trainning your grammars, sentences or tenses and pronounsation.

6) The next is while you’re watching movie, you have to try to close translater on the screen TV with the black marker. Listening the sound of movies and trying to undestand it just by your self. Dont worry if you feel like “i thought that what i listened is definetely wrong”. Keep listening till you finish watching the movie, just trust your self, trust what you listen. If you still dont undestand it again dont ever delete the black marker to see right or wrong because you will have some chances repeat the movies to match what you know and what translater tell about. You could open the black marker after you have been watching it one more time. This sixth steps will train your listening. Or some people train their ear by listening musics of english version.

7) End of the part is train your conversation, you can talking just yourself, haha.. felt so weird, right? Dont feel mad because this part totally helping me to train my conversation. I’m getting better and have courage confidently talking with stranger in the front of public or face to face.

What do you think guys? Easy right?!

I suggest you to keep trainning, i do hope this article really help you out from your problems to be execellent in english well, dont be lazy to your self!. Make it move, hehe. Be your self and trust your capability!!... sorry for my mistakes. Thank God and thank for your attention. Good Luck!.

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